normal concrete hollow block meaning in English
- In addition , 4 pieces of prestressed small - sized concrete hollow block masonry models and 1 piece of normal concrete hollow block masonry model are tested under frequency low - cyclic static load . some seismic behaviors such as strain - stress curve and ductility of the prestressed masonry were analyzed
进行了4片预应力砌块砌体墙和1片对比用普通墙的低周反复荷载试验,分析了预应力砌体的滞回曲线、延性等抗震性能。 - We designed five walls for simulate both sides of the top floor . proceeded to add unilateral horizontal static loading experiment to 4 pieces of prestressed small - sized concrete hollow block masonry models and 1 piece of normal concrete hollow block masonry model . crack - resistance behaviors were analyzed , and we have proceeded prestressing loss survey for 25 days , and discussed the reasons of prestressing loss